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The correct way to wipe the faucet

duhui 2021-04-23
Ebath Bathroom Products

  The faucet is a very common product in our lives. It is a valve used to control the flow of water. It can control different water temperatures. The materials used are generally copper and zinc alloy materials. If it has problems, it will bring a lot of trouble to people's lives. Therefore, people should wipe this product well and master the correct wiping method to ensure that the product can look the same as new for a long time.

The correct way to wipe the faucet

  When people often wipe the faucet, the wiping supplies must be appropriate when wiping, otherwise it may cause damage to the product. When wiping, people should be careful not to use wet towels directly on the product. For wiping, do not use burrs such as steel wire balls for wiping. Generally, a soft dry cotton cloth should be used for wiping, so as to avoid damage to the product.

  When wiping the faucet, the cleaning agent selected should also be appropriate. The cleaning agent must not be corrosive. Do not use acid-base liquids to contact the product. Generally, the cleaning agent should be neutral, and the cleaning agent should be sprayed to compare On the soft cotton cloth, wipe the product gently.

  People have mastered the correct method of wiping the faucet, so that the product can last as long as new.

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